Friday, 18 January 2013

The Tower!

I have some exciting news to share about my latest project. I can't say too much at the moment as I am still writing, but it is called The Tower and it revolves around a girl called Billy. The guys name I think I will keep a secret a bit longer :) I am hoping to have it out around April time but that could change. Anyway heres the decription:

They will come for me.
I have always known they would.

They will most likely drag me from my bed in the dead of night, like the cowards they are.
So many nights I have wasted in sleepless fear.

Will they be the same?
The same men that took her?
I don't know.

But they will come.
Someone will.
We always knew they would.

Hope you all like the sound of it :) Should hopefully have some extras up for Sunny and Nathan sometime in the near future. Just waiting for a few reviews to come up.

Sammi xx

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