Monday, 24 December 2012

Sunny is a go!

I am very excited to share that Sunny Daniels and the Tale of Tarot cards and Movie stars has offically been published! It may take a few hours for her to appear but she is there :)
It would be lovely if you could read it. I hope you enjoy Sunny's story and learn to love her and Nathan as much as I do.
I will have news soon about some of my upcoming projects but for now I am going to relax and enjoy Christmas, I can finally begin to celebrate now that Sunny is finished.

I hope you all have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year,

Sammi xx

Friday, 21 December 2012

Sunny update!

Hello again,

  I have exciting news regarding Sunny :) I have moved the publication date up from early 2013 to the 26th December. Mainly as a Christmas present to myself. I will be publishing it on Monday the 24th, Christmas Eve, as I know it can take some time to go live. So it will be all ready for the 26th and I won't be worrying and making any last minute changes on Christmas Day. Although I imagine there will still be quite a bit of worrying.

There will be more about Sunny soon, thanks for reading.

Sammi xx

Monday, 26 November 2012

It's nice to meet you!

Hello and Welcome,

This is in fact my first ever blog post on my first ever blog, so thank you for visiting :). Firstly about me, my name is Sammi and I'm currently writing my first book, Sunny Daniels and the Tale of Tarot Cards and Movie Stars, which I hope will be going on sale early January 2013. This will be a self published novel so may be earlier or a little later. Sunny is about the tenth book I have started in the past few years but she has been the only one I have stuck with, because of that I am very excited.

I'm sure I will have more news regarding Sunny soon, but for now, thanks for reading

Sammi xx